Residential Care Homes Cost in Dallas, TX

What is the cost of living in a residential care homes in Dallas TX?

what is the cost of living in a residential care homes in dallas tx

There are many assisted living options when you or a loved one is no longer able to safely live independently your own home. On one end of the spectrum are large, institutional living care homes or nursing homes, usually involving shared bedrooms and shared baths with a high resident to caregiver ratios, and on the other end of the spectrum are small, residential homes with luxurious private suites and attentive, individualized care. If living in a smaller, more home-like setting appeals to you, your first question may be, “How much does it cost?” The answer to that question depends on a number of factors including location, quality of care, type of accommodations, and additional or hidden charges and costs. As a general rule, as with most things, when it comes to the cost of assisted living, you get what you pay for. But with prices ranging from $3000 to more than $10,000 per month, it helps to know what, exactly, you’re paying for and what differentiates one care homes from another.

Neighborhood, neighborhood, neighborhood

Care home costs vary from state to state, city to city and even from neighborhood to neighborhood. The cost of care home falls somewhere toward the lower end of the cost spectrum, while care in the Dallas area is on the upper end of the spectrum for care within Texas. Costs can vary even within the Dallas metroplex. The biggest determining factor for the cost of care homes within the Dallas area is generally quality of the home, quality of the amenities, and quality of care.

Quality of Homes

As anyone who has toured a number of care homes can attest, the quality of residential care in the Dallas/North Texas area can vary considerably. Some residential care homes are merely renovations of existing homes, with shared bedrooms and baths and varying degrees of upkeep, cleanliness and care. Other care homes, such as Manchester Care Homes, are purpose-built from the ground up, with luxurious private suites and large, bright and airy communal eating and congregating spaces. Unlike most assisted living care homes, nursing homes and residential care homes in Dallas, ALL of Manchester Care Homes have private living quarters and private baths for each resident; our residents do not share their bedrooms, nor are they forced to share showers or toilets.

Quality of Care

The quality of care within residential care can also vary considerably. The state of Texas licensing requirements permit resident to caregiver ratios of 20 to 1. High resident to caregiver ratios leave caregivers feeling stressed and overworked and residents feeling neglected and frustrated. A good care home will have ratios of 7 or 8 to 1.  An exceptional care home, like Manchester Care homes, will have resident to caregiver ratios of only 4 or 5 to 1, meaning that residents get extremely attentive, round-the-clock care by our highly skilled staff.  All of our caregivers are CNA certified, full-time employees with benefits. We never use contractors.  In addition, Manchester Place has an on-site Director of Care and a staff physician who create individualized care plans for each resident.


The cost of assisted living can vary greatly, so when comparing the price of care, it’s important to know what you are – and may not be – getting. Residential care provide a personalized, attentive level of care that larger, institutional care homes may not provide, and at extremely competitive pricing – often less than their institutional counterparts. You may be surprised at how affordable it is to ensure that you or your loved one receives the highest level of care in a comfortable, home-like setting.

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